Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vick-tory Is Not An Option For The Jaguars

There is no need to reiterate the fact that Michael Vick is the hottest quarterback in the NFL after only two weeks.There is no reason to state the obvious--the Jaguars need to prevent Vick from running down the field. It would be a waste of HTML to write the Jacksonville secondary needs to prevent the 105.5 passer rating, 456 yards, and 3 TD throwing Eagle's quarterback from spreading the ball around the field like they allowed with Phillip Rivers.

Jack Del Rio already knows this; the media reminds him of it multiple times throughout the day.

However, what seems to be overlooked in all the hype of the greatest return to the game by an NFL quarterback is a true rushing threat lurking in the shadows of the spotlight. That's right, LeSean McCoy is probably foaming at the mouth and stomping at the gates to be unleashed against the Jacksonville Jaguar's run defense.

While everyone is yelling about Vick's return to form McCoy has been running over any and all defenders that stand in his way.

The Philadelphia Eagle's running back is second in yards per carry for backs with over twenty touches. Tim Hightower leads the way with 7.0 YPC, but McCoy is right behind him with 6.7 YPC on only 23 carries. Some may argue that he had it easy with the Detroit Lions allowing the majority of his gains, however do not forget that he racked up 5 YPC against the Packer's defense in week 1; needless to say, Green Bay's run defense is a far cry better than anything the Jaguar's have shown us.

So, while it is true that the majority of eyes will be on Michael Vick and whether he performs well enough to keep Kolb on the bench, let us hope that Del Rio has not lost sight of the fact that the Eagle's true rushing threat still lines up behind the shadow of the ominous quarterback.

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